1. Choose an industry in which you plan to have a career (for example, IT, finance, hospitality,…

1. Choose an industry in which you plan to have a career (for example, IT, finance, hospitality, tourism, health, education or any other industry)

2. Write down how you — based on your life experiences — could help that industry to develop or refine their Higher Purpose and Stakeholder Orientation (week 10)

3. Then write down how could you use any 2 of stages of the UTheory (week 1 and 11) to accomplish that. 4. It is a personal reflection so you need to rely on your experiences and talents as well. 5. You will need to show that you understand the concepts of their Higher Purpose, Stakeholder Orientation and any 2 of stages of the UTheory 6. You will need to have 4 references: 2 from week 10 and 2 from week 11 from our Weekly Resources (strictly) 7. Your reflection needs to be 1200 words long.


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