1. The focal lengths of the objective and the eyepiece of amicroscope are 0.5 cm and 2.0 cm, respect

1. The focal lengths of the objective and the eyepiece of amicroscope are 0.5 cm and 2.0 cm, respectively, and theirseparation adjusted for minimum eyestrain is 6.0 cm. The near-pointdistance of the person using the microscope is 25.0 cm. If themicroscope is focused on a small object, what is the distancebetween the object and the objective lens? If the microscope isfocused on a small object, what is its final magnification? 2. Light strikes a 5.0 cm thick sheet of glass with index ofrefraction 1.50 at an angle of incidence in air of 50°. What is theangle of refraction in the glass in degrees? After travelingthrough the glass the light re-emerges into the air. What is thefinal angle of refraction in air? Determine the amount its path isdisplaced when it leaves the glass from what it had been beforeentering the glass (answer in cm). 3. The length of a telescope is 1.60 m and it has amagnification of 60.0. What is the focal length of theeyepiece? . . .

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