19 Probability distribution of forecasts. Assume that the following regression model was applied to


19      Probability distribution of forecasts. Assume that the following regression model was applied to histori- cal quarterly data:

et ¼ a0 þ a1INTt þ a2INFt–1 þ mt


et ¼ percentage change in the exchange rate of the Japanese yen in period t


INTt            ¼ average real interest rate differential (UK interest rate minus Japanese interest rate) over period t

INFt21 ¼ inflation differential (UK inflation rate minus Japanese inflation rate) in the previous period

a0, a1, a2 ¼ regression coefficients

mt                ¼ error term.

Assume that the regression coefficients were esti- mated as follows:


a0  ¼ 0:0

a1  ¼ 0:9

a2  ¼ 0:8

Also assume that the inflation differential in the most recent period was 3%. The real interest rate differen- tial in the upcoming period is forecasted as follows:


Interest Rate Differential









If Stillwater Ltd uses this information to forecast the Japanese yen’s exchange rate, what will be the probability distribution of the yen’s percentage change over the upcoming period?


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