A uniform pipe 75 m long containing water is fitted with a plunger. The water is initially at… 1 answer below »
5.5 A uniform pipe 75 m long containing water is fitted with a plunger. The water is initially at rest. If the plunger is forced into the pipe in such a way that the water is acceler-ated uniformly to a velocity of 1.7 m r1 in 1.4 s what will be the increase of pressure on the face of the plunger assuming that the water and the pipe are not elastic? If instead of being uniformly accelerated the plunger is driven by a crank 0.25 m long and making 120 rev min-1 so that the plunger moves with simple harmonic motion, what would be the maximum pressure on the face of the piston? [91 kN m-2, 2962.5 kN m-2]