An effective way to help students learn about marketing management is through the actual creation… 1 answer below »

An effective way to help students learn about marketing management is through the actual creation of a marketing plan for a product or service. This

project is designed to accomplish such a task.

Students will self-enrol in a group of 4(FOUR) (you can’t change the group by any reason) the instruction how to find your group members have been

sent to you, please have a look and read it carefully before you make the decision to select the group that you want to join in.

Due date: Students need to self- enrol in a group NO LATER THAN 24th April, 2020.

Each group decides on a consumer product or service they wish to bring to market. It has to be an innovative product/service which has never been in

the market before. You can discuss with your tutor about the product/service that you want to select.

50% penalty (for each report and presentation) will be applied if students do not follow one of these requirements:

File Exchange tool:

– All the academic papers that are used in the assignment need to be posted on BB by using File Exchange tool (Instruction in page 6, for further

question, please advise your lecturer). Student needs to highlight the discussion in the academic paper which is relevant to the discussion in the

assignment. Academic papers can be found in ProQuest (ProQuest instruction can be found in page 8 and 9). 50% penalty will be applied if does

not include references list

– Group needs to submit the Draft for their assignment by using File Exchange tool one week before the due date of final submission. The draft

needs to be different from the last submission and reflect the changes.

– If each member does a part of the assignment, their work needs to be submitted by using File Exchange also.


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