Analyse and explain the developments in the ‘new economy’ and in particular the place and nature…

Assessment Task 2: KM Strategy (50%)


The aim of Assessment Task 2 is to enable you to demonstrate that you have a broad understanding of the theory and practice of knowledge management (KM). By completing the assessment task you will have an opportunity to take the theoretical concepts covered during the course and consider how these might be applied in an organisational setting.

Specifically, Assessment Task 2 requires you to develop a KM strategy for an organisation. The course learning outcomes (CLO) addressed in this assessment task are:

• CLO1: Analyse and explain the developments in the ‘new economy’ and in particular the place and nature of knowledge in such developments

• CLO2: Demonstrate a broad, critical and practical understanding of KM theories and practices in the real world.

• CLO3: Investigate the linkages between management and KM and in particular of those between KM and strategic and human resources management

• CLO4: Examine the various human, organisational and technological components that together combine to produce KM

• CLO5: Explore the role and place of information and communications technologies in the practice of KM

• CLO6: Develop a KM strategy for an organisation

General Guidelines

It is envisaged that this assessment task will result in the development of a professional KM strategy.

The strategy should draw upon the material studied in each of the ten topics covered across the semester. Depending on the organisation selected, the emphasis on each topic is likely to vary. In order to increase your motivation and interest in completing this assessment task, you are encouraged to select an organisation and industry of interest to you.

Please note, however, this organisation cannot be one that you’ve used as the basis for an assessment task previously (in this or any other course), without the written consent of the Course Coordinator. You should ensure that you are able to acquire sufficient information on your chosen organisation in order to enable a meaningful KM strategy to be developed. Such information might be sought from secondary sources such as case studies in textbooks, or insights provided by corporate websites. With the permission of appropriate personnel at the selected organisation, you may also elect to conduct interviews or surveys with key employees— a process which one would expect to occur in developing such a strategy in a commercial situation.

The assessment task will be submitted in two (2) stages:

• KM Strategy (Stage 1)

• KM Strategy (Stage 2)

KM Strategy (Stage 1)

The purpose of the Stage 1 submission is to ensure that you obtain useful feedback to improve your KM strategy prior to submission of the final version in Stage 2. Your Stage 1 submission should include:

• A rich introduction and background to the organisation, including organisational objectives, structure and other relevant contextual information

• A detailed overview of the approach and methods used in developing the KM strategy

• A comprehensive strategic and knowledge gap analysis for the organisation that focuses on concepts covered in the first six topics covered in the course

• A set of recommendations that might be made to the organisation to close the identified strategic and knowledge gaps

• References

• Appendices

As the word limit for the final KM strategy submitted in Stage 2 is a maximum of three thousand (3000) words (excluding references but including any appendices) your submission for Stage 1 should be less than this.

Upon receipt of feedback for Stage 1 of the assessment task, you are welcome to make an appointment with your teaching staff in order to discuss any difficulties with the assessment task that you might have.

Stage 2: KM Strategy

The KM strategy submitted for Stage 2 should comprise a revised version of the Stage 1 submission, which has been further developed based on the feedback received from teaching staff. The final KM strategy submission should also include a more comprehensive analysis and set of recommendations that integrate relevant concepts from the remaining four topics covered in the course. As noted above, the final KM strategy should be a maximum of three thousand (3000) words (excluding references but including any figures, tables and appendices).

In rare cases, upon receiving their result and feedback for Stage 1, a student expresses the desire to adopt an alternative organisation for their Stage 2 submission. There are pros and cons of such a decision. If you find yourself in this situation it is critical that you discuss this with the Course Coordinator within five days of receiving your feedback for Stage 1. Ultimately if you do change organisations for Stage 2, the mark you received for your Stage 1 submission will remain unchanged, and your Stage 2 submission .

Suggested Structure for the KM Strategy (Stage 1 and Stage 2)

The following is designed to provide general guidance as to the structure of the KM strategy. However, this is a suggestion only and by no means should limit your creativity when constructing your own KM strategy:

• Introduction and background to the organisation

• Overview of approach and methods used in developing the KM strategy

• Strategic and Knowledge Gap Analysis (i.e. current vs. desired state) o Operational infrastructure INTE2397 Knowledge Management 2020-1 4

o Technological infrastructure

o Cultural infrastructure

• KM recommendations/roadmap

o Operational infrastructure

o Technological infrastructure

o Cultural infrastructure

• Closing statement

• References

• Appendice

Where you are basing the assessment task on information not publicly accessible (e.g. organisational documents, interview notes/recordings) you should retain copies of this information. This information will not be marked but must be made available to the course coordinator in order to verify the information included in your KM strategy if requested.


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