Elevated levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) denote poor kidney function. Tenelderly cats showing…

Elevated levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) denote poor kidney function. Tenelderly cats showing early signs of renal failure are randomly divided into twogroups. Group 1 (control group) is placed on a standard high-protein diet. Group 2(intervention group) is placed on a low-phosphorus high-protein diet. Their BUNis measured both initially and three months later. The data is shown in Table 5.20.Use a = 0.05 in all parts of this problem.

(a) Was there a significant increase in mean BUN for Group 1?(b) Was there a significant increase in mean BUN for Group 2?(c) Did the two groups differ in their mean change in BUN? If so, which appearedto have the least increase?


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