Please make sure that Part A must be done with my account and bank details have also been added,…

Please make sure that Part A must be done with my account and bank details have also been added, Please make sure everything is there in Xero so anyone using my account can see it. Please make sure you follow the instructions as given in question.

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ACC 5000 S2 2018 Assignment 2 Assignment 2 Submission Date: 26th of September, 6 pm USQ time. This assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to: 1. Understand and apply accounting concepts to transactions and accounting cycles using a computerised accounting systems (Objective 1). 2. Critically evaluate output from an accounting information system (Objective 2). 3. Use and understand the applications of software for preparation and analysis of financial statements (Objective 3). Assignment Preparation and Submission Please follow these instructions: 1. The assignment is to be submitted electronically. Submit the assignment using the link on the study desk. File types allowed include doc and docx (2MB max). Only one file will be accepted. If more than one file is uploaded, only the first file listed will be marked. Do not submit a cover sheet. 2. Use the following naming protocol: [firstnamesurname_ACC5000_Assignment2.docx]. For example: gregoryjones_ACC5000_Assignment2.docx 3. You should copy your reports from Xero into your Microsoft word file (the easiest way is via Excel). 4. Your assignment must also include your Xero account name and password for the marker to access if necessary. This should be in the footer of each page. 5. Answer each question using a heading indicating the question number. Full referencing is required in accordance with the USQ preferred Harvard Referencing style. 6. Assignment extensions will only be granted if there are extenuating circumstances. University policy provides that the maximum extension is 5 business days. 7. This assignment is to be your own individual work. 8. The Learning Centre at USQ, offers students online and face-to-face access to academic support, advice and guidance. 1 | P a geACC 5000 S2…

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