Social Injustice . Please read the following: “Everything you need to know about writing…

Social Injustice

. Please read the following:

“Everything you need to know about writing successfully….” by Stephen King

” Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

Topic: What are at least 2 things you can apply to your writing according to these articles?

2. For Essay you are required to select a topic below, create a vivid and unique definition of the topic, and then be able to divide/classify the topic into smaller ideas/chunks. You want to make sure that all your terms are clearly defined with your unique understanding of the idea/term- not the basic, “normal” definition.

Possible Topics: (Chose one) 1. Social Injustice, 2. A true father, 3. Intelligence, 4. Repentance, 5. The color yellow.

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A variety of authors have come up with ways in which they try to emphasize how writing skills can be made successful. In their books, both King and Orwell have clearly tried to show some rules that writers should keenly follow in order to ensure successful writing. Despite being from different disciplines, the rules that have been highlighted by these two authors are almost similar proving that each one of them has undertaken in individual………………………………………..

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