The program is a simple dungeon exploration game similar to “Hunt the Wumpus”. The “moss monster”…
1.2 System Overview
The program is a simple dungeon exploration game similar to “Hunt the Wumpus”. The “moss monster”
lives in a complex of thirty-six (36) caves with only one entrance to the “outside” world. In the complex
is a treasure of gold that the player needs to find and exit. Perils for the player include pits and large
bats that will lift the player to other parts of the dungeon. Most perilous of all is the “moss monster”.
The moss monster is a creature that can move about the dungeon, can move over pits, and is too
difficult for bats to lift. Meeting the moss monster is certain death for the player. Fortunately, the
moss monster is not initially aware that the player has entered the dungeon. However, as the player
moves about, the monster may become aware and move to catch the player. If available, the player
may throw a grenade that temporally stuns the moss monster.
The system assumes a single computer program operating over a “common” operating system such as
Windows or Linux and a common personal computing (PC) hardware platform such as an IBM-PC. The
program will be employed by a single user. User interaction is via text. Files are used to maintain game
The game is developed as part of the course MGT 5150 in the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
1.3 Document Overview
This is a complete system specification for the Management of Software Systems (MOSS) game. It
provides the high-level requirements for operation and execution of the MOSS game.
The document follows the format in the data item description (DID) DI-IPSC-81431A, System/Subsystem
System requirements are identified by “shall” statements and by use of a four-digit project unique
identifier (PUI) with an ‘SS’ prefix.
There is no associated interface requirements specification (IRS) document.