There was a lot of attention in the media about the failure ofthe web site, and we sp

There was a lot of attention in the media about the failure ofthe web site, and we spent some time talking aboutwhy the site failed. In my question this week, we’re going to playthe “blame game” for fun and profit. First, go read thisarticle: Wired Magazine’s History’s Worst Software Bugs It kind of makes you wonder why anyone even bothers trying towrite software! I’d like you to pick one of the bugs that thearticle describes, think about it, and tell us what you think aboutsome or all of the following questions: What was the impact of this bug? Who’s to blame? When in the process did this bug likely get introduced(design/implementation/testing/etc.)? Could this bug have been avoided? How? Where does our responsibility begin and end as softwaredesigners, users, managers, and business people? Attached

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