Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with information about making…

Telephone Techniques Presentation

Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with information about making a favorable impression when communicating by telephone.

  1. Review the information in this module about effective ways to communicate by telephone. Do additional online research to find information that demonstrates effective communication by telephone.
  2. Create a slide show that can be placed on the company’s intranet.
    • Include a title slide and at least six other slides.
    • Place the main points on the slides using text. Add graphics to at least three slides.
    • Include animation and transitions on at least four slides.
    • Record comments for each slide (Female’s voice) to discuss the points on that slide. Set up the slides so the comments will play when the user transitions to that slide.
  3. Proofread and correct errors.
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